Energetic hadron jets at TeV energies

We use recently measured proton gluon distributions to revise previous QCD perturbation-theory calculations of very-large-p π0 and jet inclusive predictions. The CERN ISR large-p π0 inclusive cross sections and new hard-jet inclusive cross sections from the CERN p¯p collider are well described with a common cutoff Λ and no other adjustable parameters, using the one-loop coupling parameter α(Q2). Predictions are made for large-p π0 production at the Fermilab collider, Tevatron I, and a hypothetical future collider of c.m. energy 10 or 20 TeV. As the energy increases, the gluon-gluon collisions are predicted to become more and more significant, exceeding 60% at 20-TeV energies for p up to 500 GeV/c.