Millimeter Wave Spectra of SbH3and SbD3

The J=01 rotational transitions of normal and deuterated stibine have been measured in the shorter millimeter wave region. The B0 values obtained are, in Mc/sec: 88 031.9 for Sb121 H3, 88 015.5 for Sb123 H3, Sb123 H3, 44 693.3 for Sb121 D3, and 44 677.1 for Sb123 D3. The observed Sb nuclear quadrupole couplings, eQq, differ for the normal and deuterated forms of stibine and are, in Mc/sec: for Sb121, 458.7±0.8 in SbH3, and 465.4±0.8 in SbD3; for Sb123, 586.0±0.8 in SbH3, and 592.8±0.8 in SbD3. These couplings lead to the ratio Q123Q121=1.275±0.003. The Sb nuclear quadrupole moments are estimated to be: Q121=0.8×1024 cm2, Q123=1.0×1024 cm2. Significant Sb nuclear magnetic coupling was observed for the normal stibine. In SbH3 the magnetic coupling constant is found to be 0.33 Mc/sec for Sb121 and 0.18 Mc/sec for Sb123. The ratio of these, C121C123=1.84, is in good agreement with the known ratio of the nuclear g factors, g121g123=1.8465. Slightly different values of the interatomic distances were observed for the normal and deuterated forms. In SbH3 the Sb-H distance is 1.707 A and the H-Sb-H angle 91°18′. In SbD3 the Sb-D distance is 1.702 A and the D-Sb-D angle 90°56′.