Kawasaki syndrome in Chinese children

SUMMARY A retrospective analysis of the clinical features and outcome of 39 Chinese children with Kawasaki syndrome was made. The mean age of onset was 2·7 years (range: 0·2–13 years). The male: female ratio was 2·9: 1. One child presented with nephrotic syndrome. This renal manifestation has not been described in Kawasaki disease. Ten (32%) out of 31 patients were found to have coronary aneurysms by cross-sectional echocardiography. The only significant risk factor detected in this group of patients was anaemia (P< 0·007). There was one (2·5%) death from acute myocardial infarction and the rest of the patients were clinically well with a mean follow-up period of 1 year (mean: 5–40 days). This study indicates that there is a high incidence of coronary aneurysm complicating Kawasaki syndrome in Chinese comparable with that reported in Japanese children.