Nuclear charge distributions in1f72-shell nuclei from muonic x-ray measurements

Precise 2p1s muonic x-ray transition energies and energy shifts were measured for the 1f72-shell nuclei K39,41, Ca40,42,43,44,46,48, Sc45, Ti46,47,48,49,50, V51, Cr50,52,53,54, Mn55, and Fe56. The data were analyzed in terms of the Barrett moments rkear of the nuclear charge distribution, from which equivalent nuclear radii Rk and isotopic and isotonic differences ΔRk were computed. For those nuclei for which electron-scattering data were available, model-independent rms radii and radius differences were deduced from a combined analysis of the present data and elastic electron-scattering data. The ΔN=2 isotope shifts between even-A nuclei decrease nearly linearly with increasing N and become negative in the second half 24N28 of the 1f72 shell; a strong shell-closure effect is evident at N=28. The isotope shifts are independent of Z, suggesting that the added neutrons interact with the entire proton core rather than with the valence protons. The ΔZ=2 isotone shifts between even-A nuclei decrease smoothly and uniformly with increasing Z for 20Z28 and are essentially independent of N. Like the isotope shifts, the isotone shifts display a sudden increase at Z=28. Both the ΔN=1 isotope shifts and the