The origin of chicken hematopoietic colonies as assayed in semisolid agar

This investigation was undertaken to determine whether primitive stem cells and/or fully differentiated macrophages were the source of in vitro colonies derived from hematopoietic tissues.The chicken colony‐forming cell (CFC) present in uncultured yolk sac was a nonadherent, presumably undifferentiated cell. The efficiency of colony formation in this case was approximately 0.08%. In contrast to uncultured yolk sac, the CFC present in one‐week old yolk sac cultures was evidently a macrophage. Yolk sac cultures, which consisted of greater than 99% macrophages, produced colonies with an efficiency of 1–5% while cultures derived from peritoneal macrophages produced colonies with an efficiency of 10%. Silica selectively destroyed macrophages and reduced the colony forming efficiency of cells derived from yolk sac cultures.