Solvent Extraction of Heptavalent Technetium

In preparing technetium compounds which are pure from the radionuclide and radiochemical point of view it is convenient to use the solvent extraction of heptavalent technetium. The distribution of tetraphenylarsonium pertechnetate among water and chloroform and its adsorption properties in the organic phase are described. Carbon tetrachloride is a favourable diluent in the extraction of tri-n-octylaminopertechnetate as compared with other organic solvents. The distribution of tri-n-octylaminopertechnetate from nitric acid solution in carbon tetrachloride is discussed. The dependences of the separation factors of rhenium, neptunium and some fission products in the extraction of tri-n-octylaminopertechnetate are given for different nitric acid concentrations.