Some effects of pyrophosphate on the metabolism of tissues

Pyrophosphate exerts various effects on the metabolism of tissue slices depending on the tissue and the substrate employed. It has no effect on the metabolism of brain slices. It has no effect on the normal respiration of tumor and, in low concs., none on glucose oxidation, while in higher concs. both glucose and lactate oxidation are inhibited. It has little effect on the normal respiration of liver but inhibits respiration in the presence of glucose and lactate. It enhances the rate of glucose metabolism of kidney, has no effect on normal respiration, and inhibits the complete oxidation of succinate, malate, pyruvate and lactate. It has practically no effect on the normal respiration of retina but considerably increases the rate of oxidation of glucose and lactate. The respiration of testis is inhibited in the presence or absence of added substrate.