Electronic Structures of the Spinels

Crystal structure of the spinels.—(1) The most probable arrangement of valence electrons is that in which there is a pair on or near each centerline between adjacent atoms. The valence shell of each oxygen and divalent metal atom is a tetrahedron of electronpairs; that of each trivalent metal atom is an octahedron of pairs. (2) The distances between adjacent atomic centers are calculated (from the densities) and the positions of the oxygen centers determined in crystals of ZnAl2 O4, ZnCr2 O4, ZnFe2 O4, MgAl2 O4, MgCr2 O4, MnAl2 O4, MnCr2 O4, CdCr2 O4, and FeFe2 O4 by means of the assumptions that the Zn-O distance in the first three equals that in ZnO and that corresponding interatomic distances in different spinels are equal. (3) Densities of MgFe2 O4 and MnFe2 O4 are computed to be 4.47 and 4.90 gm/cm3, respectively, on the basis of these same assumption. (4) Chemical formulœ. There is no physical basis in the arrangement of atoms and electrons for the formulæ R"O·R2"'O3 or R"(R"'O2)2.

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