Two New Large Deletions Resulting in εγδβ-Thalassemia

Detailed gene mapping data are provided for members of a Yugoslavian and Canadian family with a thalassemia heterozygosity characterized by mild anemia with severe microcytosis and hypochromia, normal levels of Hb A2 and slightly raised Hb F levels. The condition in both families results from large deletions (minimally ∼ 148 kb in the Yugoslavian family and minimally ∼185 kb in the Canadian family), which include all functional and ψ genes of the β globin gene cluster. The Canadian propositus was a newborn baby who has been followed for nearly 2 years; severe anemia developed some 30-40 days after birth when the Hb F level was still 70%; recovery was evident at the age of 90 days when the Hb F level had decreased to 40%.