Protein profiles of Capnocytophaga species

Ninety‐seven strains of Capnocytophaga isolated from the oral cavity and the type strains of C. ochracea, C. sputigena and C. gingivalis were compared by one‐dimensional SDS‐PAGE of whole cell proteins. The protein patterns were highly reproducible and were used as the basis for numerical taxonomic analysis. The clusters containing the type strains of C. ochracea and C. sputigena segregated at the 78% similarity level. Some of the eight clusters obtained at this level showed good correlation with grouping based on the results of biochemical testing for lactose and galactose fermentation and nitrate reduction. No consistent association was found between protein profiles and colony type, size or colour or cell length but all agar‐adherent colony types segregated into a single cluster. and accepted 25 July 1989