Effect of upper airway shunt and series properties on respiratory impedance measurements

Because of the contradictory statements published about the influence of the shunt properties of the upper airway on the measurements of the respiratory impedence by means of the forced oscillation technique, this influence has been reevaluated. In healthy adults and children and in patients with obstructive lung disease, the total respiratory impedance was measured by applying oscillations at the mouth (conventional technique) or around the head (head generator technique), with the cheeks either supported by the hands or not. In healthy adults the two techniques (conventional cheeks supported and head generator) yield similar results for respiratory resistance (Rrs) and a more pronounced increase of respiratory reactance (Xrs) with frequency with the head generator. In children and in patients with moderate airway obstruction, the negative frequency dependence of Rrs observed with the conventional technique tends to disappear with the head generator. This is not observed in patients with severe airway obstruction. The differences between the two techniques can be explained by the influence of the shunt impedance of the upper airway on Rrs and Xrs. Correction for this influence by subtracting the impedance measured during a Valsalva maneuver is not satisfactory, since the Valsalva maneuver itself modifies the upper airway shunt. The head generator technique reduces the influence of the upper airway shunt but does not suppress it altogether; the residual error is small, however.