Energy-band structure ofCd3As2at low temperatures and the dependence of the direct gap on temperature and pressure

Electron-effective-mass values obtained from low-temperature Shubnikov-de Haas, magneto-Seebeck, and Hall measurements on Cd3 As2 have been gathered from the literature. Using Kane's model for an HgTe-type inverted energy-band structure, the dispersion relation for the conduction band has been obtained along with a Γ8Γ6 energy gap of 0.11 eV. The heavy-hole valence band is split from the conduction band at Γ by a residual gap of ∼0.01 eV. There is a second conduction band whose minimum at Γ is approximately 0.6 eV above the Γ8 valence band and perhaps a third one ∼0.4 eV above the latter. Theoretical estimates of the variation of the energy gap at Γ as a function of temperature and pressure are obtained. Those are found to be consistent with our band model as well as with our analysis of existing temperature data (E0T5×104 eV/K) and pressure data (E0P2×105 eV/bar).