Raman Scattering and X-Ray-Scattering Studies on KBr1xIx, KCl1xIx, and K1xRbxCl

Raman-scattering and x-ray-scattering experiments have been performed on the mixed-alkali-halide systems KBr1xIx, KCl1xIx, and K1xRbxCl, and the results have been compared with our earlier work on the KCl1xBrx system. Both powder-pattern and line-broadening studies have been carried out using x-ray scattering. Our earlier work on KCl1xBrx has been reevaluated and the previous lower limit of a few hundred angstroms for cluster sizes has been raised to 4000 Å. The KBr1xIx system has been seen to display several different microscopic structures. For x>0.7 the bulk crystals were seen to have the x-ray properties of bulk crystals. For x<0.1, the bulk crystals were seen to be composed of crystallites a few hundred angstroms in size. For 0.7x0.1, the bulk crystals were found to consist of three distinct phases, occuring in crystallites ranging in size from 300 to 1650 Å. Raman spectra for KBr1xIx in the ranges x<0.1 and x>0.7 and for KCl1xIx were seen to be of A1g and T2g symmetry and showed the same systematic behavior as the KCl1xBrx system reported earlier. That is, certain spectral features could apparently be identified with particular zone-boundary phonons of the mixed crystal and the variation of frequency of these phonons as a function of concentration x could be studied. The variation was seen to be linear. Similar results were seen to pertain for K1xRbxCl, except that the mixed-crystal spectra were of Eg and T2g symmetry. However, it is also suggested that the Raman results may merely be a reflection of the fact that the zone-boundary phonons observed also happen to correspond to the peaks in the phonon...