Influence of Interferon and Radiation on Serotonin Content in Primary Carcinoid Cell Cultures

Carcinoids are in general thought to be radioresistent, and have not been subjected to radiation therapy, except for palliative purposes. Clinical experience has indicated that interferons might enhance radiation effect and toxicity. In order to examine the effect of radiation, the combination of radiation and interferon, and the usefulness of the main metabolic product of primary cell cultures—serotonin— as a response indicator, we exposed primary carcinoid cell cultures with and without interferon pretreatment to radiation (2 Gy and 8 Gy). Irradiation alone had no effect on the serotonin content of the medium at the low dose (2 Gy) and even at the high dose (8 gy) the effect was not significant. When cells were preincubated with 1 000 IU/ml α-interferon, however, irradiation with 8 Gy induced a significant reduction of the hormone concentration in the medium on day 12 to 54.9 + 8.0% of the control value (p = 0.026). We think our model may provide a useful tool for further exploration of these mechanisms.