New approach to nonleptonic weak interactions. II. Application to strange- and charm-meson decays

The constraints obtained in I for the asymptotic two-body meson matrix elements of the weak nonleptonic Hamiltonian are related to the physical Kππ and DK¯π decay amplitudes by using a soft-pion approximation in the infinite-momentum frame of the parent particle. In this new milder extrapolation, a part of the so-called surface terms survives in addition to the usual equal-time-commutator term and plays a significant role, especially for the DK¯π decays. However, to the approximation in which only the ground-state-meson contribution is kept in the surface terms, the | ΔI |=12 rule for the K2π decays and the 6 ⊕ 6* rule [in exact SU(3) symmetry] for the DK¯π decays are shown to hold exactly and the amplitudes predict a reasonable value for the ratio of the rates, Γ(KS0π+π)Γ(D0Kπ+). A semiquantitative scenario is also drawn, which suggests that the L=1 meson contribution to the surface terms plays an important role for the violation of these selection rules and yields the right order of magnitude for the violation of the | ΔI |=12 rule in K2π decays. For the DK¯π decays it leads to a more significant violation of the 6 ⊕ 6* rule.