Liquid junctions for characterization of electronic materials. III. Modulation spectroscopies of reactive ion etching of Si

Photoreflectance, electrolyte photoreflectance, and electrolyte electroreflectance (EER) were measured for various reactive ion etching (RIE) treatments of 〈100〉 n-Si that include CHF3/Ar, CF4, CClF3/H2, CClF3/H2, followed by O2 ash. For all the RIE-treated samples we observe a shift of the transition energy and splitting or broadening of the peaks. These spectral changes were interpreted in terms of tensile strain of the order of 1% caused by the surface damage. In all the cases except for CClF3/H2 the strain is two dimensional. The potential dependence of the EER shows that the CHF3/Ar and the CF4 treatments result in an accumulation of slow surface states that pin the dc potential but not the ac modulation. The CClF3/H2 results in a much smaller pinning that can be removed by O2 ash.