Alimentation d'agneaux à partir d'une paille traitée à l'ammoniac. II. - Cinétique biochimique de la dégradation dans le rumen de la paille traitée

The breakdown products of NH3 treated straw were analyzed in lambs weighing between 20-35 kg and fed diets including 70% ammonia treated straw. Samplings were made at 0900 h before the straw feeding, at 1000 h before administration of the concentrate feed and then at 1100, 1200, 1330, 1530 and 1730 h. The microbial flora of the rumen, which is essential for degradation of lignified structures, showed a favorable pH ranging from 6-7 and a satisfactory minimum NH3 level throughout the day (> 20 mg/100 ml rumen juice) allowing a large metabolic activity; NH3 concentrations which may be toxic were never reached (> 60 mg/ml rumen juice). The volatile fatty acid contents of the rumen juice were very similar to those obtained with usual diets. Uremia always remained low (> 70 mg/100 ml rumen juice). There were no risks of toxicity in using NH3 treated straw to meet the main requirements of ruminants.