Differential cross sections for the reactionsK−p→K¯0n,K−p→K¯0Δ0, andK+p→K0Δ++at 13 GeV/c

Differential cross sections for the reactions KpK¯0n, KpK¯0Δ0, and K+pK0Δ++ in the region 0<|t|<1.2 GeV2 are presented from a wire-spark-chamber spectrometer experiment performed in a 13-GeV/c separated beam. The results are based on 20 000 Δ++ events, 4600 Δ0 events, and 8500 n events. The line-reversed pair of Δ reactions is used to test Regge exchange degeneracy and an SU(3) sum rule. The energy dependence of all three reactions is studied by comparison with other experiments.