Evaluating NF for DBP control with the RBSMT

A rapid bench‐scale membrane test was designed to capture critical aspects of full‐scale systems, particularly water flux and solute rejection, while maintaining the benefits of a bench‐scale system.At the center of the rapid bench‐scale membrane test (RBSMT) is a tangential‐flow flat‐sheet cell with recycle, which represents a differential element of a fullscale spiral‐wound nanofiltration element treating the average feed for a full‐scale system. The RBSMT incorporates operational parameters, such as recovery, pressure, crossflow velocity, and hydraulic conditions that approximate field‐scale operation. Four conventionally treated surface waters and one untreated groundwater were evaluated using the RBSMT. All of the waters tested would meet the Stage 1 requirements of the Disinfectants/ Disinfection By‐product Rule after nanofiltration, and the four surface waters would satisfy the Stage 2 requirements.