Antibody and Complement in the Stimulation of Neutrophil Chemiluminescence by Neisseria meningitldis: Studies in a Patient with Complete Deficiency of C7

When an eight-year-old boy with a syndrome compatible with disseminated neisseria infection was found to lack C7, studies on the role of antibody and complement in the interaction of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) and Neisseria were initiated with use of a luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assay. The chemiluminescent response to opsonized Neisseria meningitidis was markedly lower than the response to opsonized zymosan or Streptococcus pneumoniae but was similar to that obtained with Haemophilus influenzae type b. IgG antibody to N. meningitidis was shown to enhance the chemiluminescent response. The chemilurninescent response of PMNLs to N. meningitidis was normal when the bacteria were incubated with sera deficient in C5, C6, or C7 but was absent in serum lacking C2. Thus, both antibody and the early-acting proteins of the classical complement pathway appear to be essential for maximal stimulation of PMNL oxidative metabolism by N. meningitidis, although the late-acting components of complement are not.