The yields of C14O2 from glucose and gluconate labeled in the C-1, C-2 or C-6 positions were used to evaluate the extent of the participation of the pentose phosphate pathway during glucose catabolism in root tips of corn seedlings (Zea mays). It was concluded that the pentose phosphate pathway did not participate in glucose catabolism to any great extent. The yield of C14O2 from the 2d C of glucose was only about one half the yield from the 1st or 6th C of glucose. These results are discussed and a possible explanation presented. The point is made that a quantitative evaluation of catabolic mechanisms for glucose based only on the C14O2 yields from the 1st and 6th carbons of glucose is not possible. The effect of pre-treatment of the seedlings with 2,4-dichlorophenyoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) or indoleacetic acid (IAA) on the participation of the pentose phosphate pathway also was investigated. It was concluded that 2,4-D and IAA caused an increase in the participation of this pathway; when 10-3 2,4-D was used, glucose catabolism was almost totally accommodated by this pathway.