Simultaneous Monitoring of Cell Number and Metabolic Activity of Specific Bacterial Populations with a Dual gfp-luxAB Marker System

A dual marker system was developed for simultaneous quantification of bacterial cell numbers and their activity with the luxAB and gfp genes, encoding bacterial luciferase and green fluorescent protein (GFP), respectively. The bioluminescence phenotype of the luxAB biomarker is dependent on cellular energy status. Since cellular metabolism requires energy, bioluminescence output is directly related to the metabolic activity of the cells. By contrast, GFP fluorescence has no energy requirement. Therefore, by combining these two biomarkers, total cell number and metabolic activity of a specific marked cell population could be monitored simultaneously. Two different bacterial strains, Escherichia coli DH5α and Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25, were chromosomally tagged with the dual marker cassette, and the cells were monitored under different conditions by flow cytometry, plate counting, and luminometry. During log-phase growth, the luciferase activity was proportional to the number of GFP-fluorescent cells and culturable cells. Upon entrance into stationary phase or during starvation, luciferase activity decreased due to a decrease in cellular metabolic activity of the population, but the number of GFP-fluorescing cells and culturable cells remained relatively stable. In addition, we optimized a procedure for extraction of bacterial cells from soil, allowing GFP-tagged bacteria in soil samples to be quantitated by flow cytometry. After 30 days of incubation of P. fluorescens SBW25::gfp/lux in soil, the cells were still maintained at high population densities, as determined by GFP fluorescence, but there was a slow decline in luciferase activity, implicating nutrient limitation. In conclusion, the dual marker system allowed simultaneous monitoring of the metabolic activity and cell number of a specific bacterial population and is a promising tool for monitoring of specific bacteria in situ in environmental samples.