Genetic polymorphism of the sixth component of complement (C6) in mice

Immunofixation after isoelectric focusing revealed two forms of mouse C6, C6A and C6M, both of which consist of two major protein bands and one or more acidic minor bands. They were distinguishable by their different isoelectric point (pI) ranges: C6M has more acidic pI ranges (pH < 6.2) than C6A (pH < 6.3). C6A was found in common inbred mice of Mus musculus domesticus, while C6M was found in inbred and wild mice of M. m. molossinus (Japanese wild mice, an Asian subspecies). Breeding experiments showed that these two forms of C6 were controlled by a single codominant autosomal locus. We propose the designation C-6 for this locus with two alleles, C-6 a and C-6 m , which encode for C6A and C6M, respectively. Linkage analysis indicated that the locus is not closely linked to the following loci: Idh-1, agouti, Amy-1, brown, Gpd-1, Mup-1, Pgm-2, Pgm-1, albino, Hbb, Es-1, Mod-1, Sep-1, Es-3, Igh-1, beige, Es-10, Sod-1, and C-3.