The AuAl2-AuGa2-AuIn2 Problem: Knight Shifts and Relaxation Times in Their Pseudobinary Alloys

The nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) and susceptibility behavior of the intermetallic compound AuGa2 differs anomalously from the isoelectric and isostructural compounds AuIn2 and AuAl2. In an effort to test and extend the explanation offered by Jaccarino et al. and by Switendick and Narath, spin-lattice relaxation times and Knight shifts have been measured as a function of temperature and composition for the AuAl2-AuGa2, AuAl2-AuIn2, and AuGa2-AuIn2 pseudobinary alloy systems. At high temperature, the solute X (Al, In, Ga) resonance properties are dominated by the host. Satellite resonances are observed with temperature dependences differing from the main resonance. The results are partially explainable on the basis of an average-band model and partially on a local atom model. The role of the Au d bands is discussed. Metallurgical results on alloying are obtained using the NMR data.