Measurements of theADependence of Deep-Inelastic Electron Scattering from Nuclei

The deep-inelastic electron-scattering cross sections per nucleon σA for D, He, Be, C, A1, Ca, Fe, Ag, and Au were measured in the kinematic range 0.09<~x<~0.9 and 2<~Q2<~15 (GeV/c)2 with use of electrons with energies ranging from 8 to 24.5 GeV. The ratio σAσD is consistent with unity in the range 0.1<x<0.3. For 0.3<x<0.8, the ratio decreases logarithmically with atomic weight A, or linearly with average nuclear density. No Q2 dependence in the ratio was observed over the kinematic range of the data.