Veränderungen im Isoenzymmuster der Aldolasen aus Rattenorganen während der Entwicklung. (XI. Mitteilung über Aldolasen)

Changes in the pattern of aldolase isoenzymes and aldolase activity towards fructose-1,6-diphosphate (Fru-1,6-P2) and fructose-1-phosphate (Fru-1-P) were studied in organ extracts of the rat during development from the fetus to the adult animal. In liver, kidney and brain, an A-type aldolase becomes differentiated in the direction of type B or C to give 2 aldolases with high activity for fructose-1-phosphate. Activity ratios (Fru-1,6-P2/Fru-1-P) resembling those of the adult appear in the liver at birth, later in the kidneys and finally in the brain. There was no detectable change in the pattern of isoenzymes in heart, quadriceps muscle and lung, but it can be assumed from the change in specificity that a fetal aldolase exists. In the testes, the adult isoenzyme pattern does not appear until puberty. Although the resulting testes aldolases resemble A-C hybrids in electrophoresis, there is no pure C-enzyme. There is also no change in the ratios of activity. Analogies with lactate dehydrogenase and the problem of sub-units are discussed.