Glacial facies associations in a Neoproterozoic back-arc setting, Zavkhan Basin, western Mongolia

Diamictites, many of glacial origin, are globally distributed in the Neoproterozoic. Recently, two relatively thin diamictites in the Maikhan Uul Member at the base of the Neoproterozoic Tsagaan Oloom Formation from the Zavkhan Basin of western Mongolia have been identified as being of glacial origin. The Mongolian diamictites form a series of backstepping units within the transgressive systems tract of two major depositional sequences associated with sea-level changes. In each case the diamictites of the transgressive systems tract are abruptly overlain by deeper water, upward shoaling highstand systems tracts consisting of thinly bedded sandstones and shales in sequence 1 and thinly bedded, dark carbonates in sequence 3. The fact that the sequences conform closely to depositional models established at other localities suggests that all are related to major ice ages and that the depositional sequences they have generated provide a valuable tool for global correlation in this part of the stratigraphic column. Available stratigraphic and isotope geochemical information presented by Brasier et al. (1996, this issue) suggests that both diamictites are likely to be of Sturtian age. A riftogenic setting and Sturtian age for the diamictites provide a link with eastern Australia and western America. It is possible, therefore, that these diamictites formed during the breakup of a supercontinental assembly including Siberia, Australia and Laurentia c. 750–725 Ma BP.