Stroke during Pregnancy and Puerperium in Young Females below the Age of 40 Years as a Result of Cerebral Venous/Venous Sinus Thrombosis

Cases (138) of cerebral venous/venous sinus thrombosis during the puerperium were studied. Maximum number of cases (112 cases) occurred in the age < 30 yr. Signs and symptoms appeared in most of the cases (72 cases) during the first 7 days of post partum period. Cases (111) were multipara. Commonest signs and symptoms were fever (85 cases); headache (66 cases), convulsions (64 cases), altered consciousness (57 cases), hemiplegia (60 cases) and papilledema (48 cases). Carotid angiography in 55 cases revealed block in middle part of superior sagittal sinus in 24 and localized, dilated and tortuous cortical veins in 5. A statistically significant rise in serum triglycerides, phospholipids, free fatty acids, blood platelet count, platelet adhesive index and fall in blood fibrinolytic activity were found compared with normals. These factors may play a role in the etiology of cerebral venous/venous sinus thrombosis during puerperium.