Multishell method: Exact treatment of a cluster in an effective medium

A method is presented for the exact determination of the Green's function of a cluster embedded in a given effective medium. This method, the multishell method, is applicable even to systems with off-diagonal disorder, extended-range hopping, multiple bands and/or hybridization, and is computationally practicable for any system described by a tight-binding or interpolation-scheme Hamiltonian. It allows one to examine the effects of local environment on the densities of states and site spectral weight functions of disordered systems. For any given analytic effective medium characterized by a non-negative density of states the method yields analytic cluster Green's functions and non-negative site spectral weight functions. Previous methods used for the calculation of the Green's function of a cluster embedded in a given effective medium have not been exact. The results of numerical calculations for model systems show that even the best of these previous methods can lead to substantial errors, at least for small clusters in two- and three- dimensional lattices. These results also show that fluctuations in local environment have large effects on site spectral weight functions, even in cases in which the single-site coherent-potential approximation yields an accurate overall density of states.