For a long-wavelength electromagnetic wave of frequency ω, incident on a jellium-vacuum interface, the spatial dependence of the vector potential, A(r;ω), is evaluated in the surface region. A simple integral equation is derived which relates A(r;ω) to the jellium nonlocal conductivity tensor σ(r;r,ω); numerical calculations based on this equation are reported, in which the random-phase approximation to σ(r;r,ω) was used—the required single-electron wave functions were evaluated via the self-consistent surface-barrier potentials of Lang and Kohn. Families of graphs of A(r;ω) are presented, for fixed bulk electron concentration as a function of frequency and for fixed ωpω (where ωp is the plasma frequency) as a function of bulk electron concentration. The sensitivity of A(r;ω) to the shape of the surface potential barrier, at fixed ω and bulk electron concentration, is also explored. The use of the results obtained for A(r;ω) is proposed for the calculation of refraction effects in surface photoemission and in reflection spectroscopy.