Mode of Chromosome Association inBothriochloaHybrids

By using a highly self sterile and sexual tetraploid plant belonging to the gangetica type of B. intermedia as female parent, intraspecific, interspecific and intergeneric hybrids were obtained in the predominantly apomictic Bothriochloa — Dichanthium — Capillipedium agamic complex. The male parents were diploids, tetraploids, pentaploids and hexaploids. Cytological studies are reported for the 36 parents and 115 hybrids along with 2 polyhaploids and 2 autooctaploids. Autosyndesis and preferential pairing of chromosomes is demonstrated with specific examples. The polyploids are segmental allopolyploids and homology, homoeology and non-homology of chromosomes in these materials are a matter of degree only. The predominant bivalent formation in these materials is genetically controlled. The consequences of genetic control of cytological behavior on the evolutionary pattern of this agamic complex are outlined and discussed.