Heat capacity of NH4Cl and ND4Cl single crystals at high pressure

The constant-pressure heat capacity of NH4Cl and ND4Cl has been investigated in the vicinity of the order-disorder transition at 1 atm and at high pressures. The ac calorimetry technique has been used and has been shown to work well for investigating solid samples under hydrostatic gas pressures up to ∼3 kbar. The "multicritical" pressure (above which the transition is continuous and below which a small first-order instability occurs) is 1500 bar for NH4Cl and is very close to 1 atm for ND4Cl. A correspondence was found between the Cp variation for ND4Cl at 1 atm and NH4Cl at 1500 bar and also between that for ND4Cl at 1500 bar and NH4Cl at 3134 bar. At the multicritical pressure, the behavior of the heat capacity in the ordered phase can be well represented by a power law, and the critical exponent α=0.50±0.07 for ND4Cl and 0.57±0.07 for NH4Cl. At higher pressures, the peak Cp values are significantly but reversibly decreased and the data show systematic deviations from a single power-law fit.