The life cycle, feeding behavior, and feeding damage of the spruce budmoth,Zeiraphera canadensis, were studied in northern New Brunswick. Larval emergence, which began in late May, was usually completed within 10 days. First-instar larvae did not feed on the previous year's foliage and took less than 30 min to settle inside a growing shoot, from which they exited only at the end of larval development. Larvae then dropped to the ground and remained as prepupae for approximately 6 days. Mating could be observed the first night following adult emergence. The majority of the mated females contained only 1 spermatophore (92%); others had 2 (7%) or 3 (1%). Although 95% of the egg clusters had 7 eggs or less, 5% had up to 19 eggs. Eggs required embryonic development before successful diapause could be initiated. The importance of these observations in the development of management strategies for this pest is discussed.