Directional correlation measurements have been made on the 356-82 kev, 301-82 kev, and 80-82 kev gamma-gamma cascades in Cs133 following the decay of 8-year half-life Ba133 with a coincidence scintillation spectrometer using NaI detectors. The observed correlation functions are: W(θ)=1+(0.042±0.005)P2(cosθ)(0.0041±0.0038)P4(cosθ), W(θ)=1(0.0257±0.011)P2(cosθ)(0.0002±0.008)P4(cosθ), and W(θ)=1+(0.0487±0.017)P2(cosθ)+(0.0011±0.012)P4(cosθ), respectively, for the three cascades. These gamma-gamma directional correlations were found to be consistent with spin assignments of 72+, 52+, 32+, 32+, and ½+ to the levels at the ground state, 82-kev, 162-kev, 383-kev, and 438-kev in Cs133. The probable assignment of the multipolarities for different gamma rays is as follows: The 356-kev gamma ray is pure E2. The 82-kev gamma ray is a mixture of (96.5±0.5)% M1 and (3.5±0.5)% E2 with δ82=0.190±0.014. The 301-kev gamma ray can have one of two possible mixtures: either δ301=+0.123±0.004 with a mixture of (98.5±1.0)% M1 and (1.5±1.0)% E2, or δ301=3.98±1.02 with a mixture of (6±2)% M1 and (94±2)% E2. The value of δ301=3.98±1.02 is more probable. The 80-kev gamma ray is also found to have two possible values of δ80: either δ80=+0.47±0.09 with a mixture of (82±6)% M1 and (18±6)% E2, or δ80=+7.0 with a mixture of (2.0±1.5)% M1 and (98.0±1.5)% E2.

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