Smokeless Tobacco Use among American College Students

This study sought to delineate patterns of smokeless tobacco use among college students in the United States. A national sample (N = 5,894) of approximately equal numbers of men and women from 72 colleges and universities participated in the study. Eight percent of the college students in the Northeast used smokeless tobacco, whereas 15% in the South Central United States were using it. Seventeen percent of the American Indian, 14% of Mexican-American, 12% of white, and 4% of black students reported they had dipped or chewed. Smokeless tobacco users were more likely to have family and friends who also used smokeless tobacco. Almost two thirds (63%) of current users plan to continue to dip or chew. More than half (57%) the users consumed less than two cans or pouches per week. Smokeless tobacco is a serious problem in American colleges and universities. Unless prevention and cessation efforts target this group, the problem will continue to increase and ultimately could result in an oral cancer epidemic.

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