Virus antigen content of soybean seeds from plants inoculated with soybean mosaic virus in field trials with 15 cultivars was determined by solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Antigen content of seeds did not vary significantly between plants inoculated at growth stages V-1 and R-2. Plants inoculated at stage R-2 produced seed with a greater percentage of seed coat mottling than those inoculated at stage V-1. The percentage of mottled seed was not correlated with virus antigen content of seeds in most cultivars; however, some cultivars had a high correlation. Yield loss was greater in plants inoculated at stage V-1 than at R-2 in 1978; in 1979, there was no significant difference. Weight of 100 seeds from inoculated plants was less than weight of 100 seeds from uninoculated plants. Seed weights did not vary significantly with inoculation time.