A Task Duplication Based Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for Variable Execution Time Tasks

Efficient scheduling algorithm is one of the key factors in determining the performance of distributed memory machines. This paper presents an enhanced Search and Du plication Based Scheduling (SDBS) algorithm which car schedule Directed Acyclic Graphs (DA Gs) with variable execution time tasks. Since the DAGs are based on data dependencies of the tasks, the control dependencies are clustered within each node. If the node encapsulates a loop or an if-then-else kind of statement, then assuming the execution times to be fixed would not be appropriate. It is assumed in this paper that the execution time varies between two time estimates. The complexity of this scheduling algorithm is in 0(V 4- E), where V is the number of node,- and E is the number of edges in the task graph. This algo rithm is based on some realistic assumptions and generates an optimal time schedule. If the assumptions cannot be completely satisfied then the algorithm provides a schedule which is close to optimal. The performance in these cases has been obtained using extensive simulation work which indicate the closeness of the results.

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