LC-DAD-MS/SPE-NMR Hyphenation. A Tool for the Analysis of Pharmaceutically Used Plant Extracts: Identification of Isobaric Iridoid Glycoside Regioisomers from Harpagophytum procumbens

LC-DAD-MS monitored fractionation of a Harpagophytum procumbens DC. (Pedaliaceae) root extract was combined with a hyphenated LC-DAD-MS/SPE-NMR technique, thus providing the spectral data needed for structure elucidation. This approach allowed the characterization of isobaric iridoid glycoside regioisomers present only as minor constituents. The analytes were identified as the (E/Z) pairs of 6‘-O-(p-coumaroyl)harpagide (6‘-PCHG) and 8-O-(p-coumaroyl)-harpagide (8-PCHG). The fact that 8-(Z)-PCHG constitutes a new natural product underlines the analytical power of this combined approach. Furthermore, derivatives 6‘-(Z)- and 6‘-(E)-PCHG are new constituents for H. procumbens.