Temperature‐dependent change of aerological specificity of Candidaalbicans NIH A‐207 cells cultured in yeast extract‐added Sabouraud liquid medium: disappearance of surface antigenic factors 4, 5, and 6 at high temperature

The cells of Candida albicans NIH A‐207 strain (A‐strain) cultivated in YSLM at high temperatures (37 and 40°C) did not undergo agglutination with the factor sera 4, 5, and 6 in a commercially available factor serum kit, ‘Candida Check’, and formed a grape‐like shape. The mannans isolated from the cells had lost their reactivity against the factor sera in ELISA. It was also revealed by 1H NMR analysis that the mannans contained neither a phosphate group nor a β‐1,2‐linked mannopyranose unit, although these mannans increased the non‐reducing terminal α‐1,3‐linked mannopyranose unit. The cells and the mannans prepared by cultivation at such high temperatures followed by 27°C in the same medium entirely recovered the reactivity with the factor sera.