Cytogenetic affinity between the new species Glycine argyrea and its congeners

A newly described wild perennial species of the genus Glycine, Glycine argyrea Tind., was Investigated to determine its cytological relationships within the group. This species is distinctive in the relative ease with which it hybridizes with other species in the subgenus Glycine. It forms fertllie hybrids with at least four other wild species—G. canescens, G. clandestina, G. latrobeana, and G. tomentella. One such fertile hybrid, G. argyrea X G. canescens, was the female parent of the first reported hybrid with G. max, the cultivated soybean, at the diploid level. Doubling the chromosome complement of this sterile hybrid with colchicine failed to restore fertillty, despite apparently normal bivalent formation. Sterile hybrids were formed from crosses between G. argyrea and G. tabacina, and between G. argyrea and G. cyrtoloba. These crosses demonstrated the unusual facility with which the new species enters into interspecific combinations.