Brassica grown gall tumourigenesis and in vitro of transformed tissue

A number of Brassica species and cultivars were tested and found to be highly susceptible to crown gall induction by both nopaline and octopine strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Only B. napus did not form tumours when inoculated with octopine strains. Seedlings of very young plants were poor hosts but efficient infection occurred after 8–10 weeks of growth. Teratomas arising on tumours in planta were relatively frequent on induction with nopaline strains. Axenically cultured tumour calli of Brassicas were very active in opine synthase activity and stably maintained this transformed phenotype; however, transformed plants could not be regenerated. These results suggest that disarmed nopaline Ti plasmid vectors are well suited for the genetic engineering of this important crop family.