Significance of serum lipoprotein-X and gammaglutamyltranspeptidase in the diagnosis of biliary atresia. A preliminary study in 27 cholestatic young infants

As simple and nonsurgical means of differentiating biliary atresia (BA) from intrahepatic cholestasis of unknown origin (IC), liver function tests including serum lipoprotein-X (LP-X) and γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGTP) were done and evaluated for their usefulness in the diagnosis of 27 cholestatic Japanese young infants. Except for LP-X and GGTP levels (PPn=11) and IC (n=13) groups. When values of mean plus 4 standard deviations were used to differentiate BA from IC (89 mg/100 ml for LP-X and 194 IU/l for GGTP), all BA patients gave positive results for either the crtical LP-X of GGTP values. On the other hand, all IC patients gave negative results for both levels, although patients with a paucity of intrahepatic biliary ducts (n=3) were also positive for either the critical LP-X or GGTP values. The combination test with serum LP-X and GGTP is recommended for helping to differntiate BA from IC in cholestatic young infants.