Low-noise YBa2Cu3O7 rf SQUID magnetometer

A superconducting quantum interferometer device (SQUID) electronics with tank frequencies near 150 MHz was constructed to enhance the rf SQUID sensitivity. By these means we characterized our YBa2Cu3O7 thin‐film rf SQUIDs with step‐edge junctions immersed in liquid N2. We obtained transfer function values of over 40 μV/Φ0, at a 50 Ω input impedance, for both hysteretic and dispersive mode of rf SQUID operation. The rms white and 1/f flux noise levels were significantly lower than at the tank frequency of 20 MHz. The best magnetic field sensitivity at 77 K was 0.9 pT/Hz1/2, and the energy resolution 1.4×10−28 J/Hz, down to 0.3 Hz.

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