The five independent adiabatic elastic constants of dysprosium have been determined by means of an ultrasonic-pulse technique at a frequency of 10 MHz, between 4.2 and 300°K. The compressional elastic constants C11 and C33 display characteristic anomalies at the magnetic transition points TN (178°K) and TC (87°K). The shear constants C44 and C66 are very little affected at TN; however, they exhibit typical anomalies at TC. The temperature dependence of the directional compressibility KSII parallel to the hexagonal c axis is qualitatively a mirror image of the perpendicular compressibility KS. Both are only slightly affected at TN, but show drastic anomalies at TC. At this transition, KSII exhibits a hardening and KS a pronounced softening of the crystal lattice. The limiting Debye temperature extrapolated to 0°K was found to be 190°K. The temperature dependence of the magneto-elastic energy shows a drastic change of 0.71 J cm3 at TC. Apparently, this change is responsible for the first-order phase transition in dysprosium at TC.