Some new fungi associated with needle blight of conifers

A new phacidiaceous genus, Darkera, is erected to accommodate two species: D. abietis sp. nov. on Abies balsamea (L.) Mill, and A. concolor Lindl. & Gord., and D. parca sp. nov. on Picea glauca (Moench) Voss and P. abies (L.) Karst. Their presumptive conidial states, Tiarosporella abietis sp. nov. and T. parca (Berk. & Br.) comb. nov., respectively, as well as T. pseudotsuga sp. nov. on Pseudotsuga meinziesii (Mirb.) Franco are also described. The relationship of Darkera to other phacidiaceous genera is discussed, with special reference to ascus apices and their reaction to Melzer's reagent.