Management of acute diarrhoea with low osmolarity oral rehydration solutions and Lactobacillus strain GG

Two hypotonic oral rehydration solutions with osmolarities of 224 mosmol/l (Na+ 60 mmol/l, glucose 84 mmol/l) and 204 mosmol/l (Na+ 60 mmol/l, glucose 64 mmol/l), respectively, and oral treatment withLactobacillus GG were evaluated in a double blind trial in children aged 6–36 months hospitalised for acute diarrhoea. Early administration ofLactobacillus GG at the start of oral rehydration resulted in the shortest duration of diarrhoea, best weight gain, and fastest correction of acidosis. A reduced osmolarity oral rehydration solution (224 mosmol/l) combined with early administration of Lactobacillus GG is an effective treatment for acute diarrhoea in young children; further reduction of osmolarity may not be beneficial.