Impact of field-weathered residues of four pesticides (carbonyl, chlorpyrifos, mediation, and parathion) applied as either low-volume or dilute treatments was evaluated for four beneficial species (Phylis felines detach, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Multan, Eugenius stipulates Athias-Henriot, and Metaphycus hellholes (Compeer)). Chemical assays indicated generally rapid dissipation of materials (9- to 150- fold decrease in 7 d). In general, low-volume applications resulted in greater pesticide residue levels and greater natural enemy mortality than did dilute treatments. Of the four species evaluated, C. montrouzieri was the least affected by residues; only carbonyl caused high initial mortality. For the remaining three species, mortality dropped below 50% after 3 d for dilute treatments and after 3-27 d for low-volume applications.