Nickel dermatitis from cheap earrings

In 1988, 64% of our patients patch test positive to al least I allergen of the ICDRG standard series-were nickel sensitive. In 70% of 300 patients evaluated, dermatitis started on the earlobes and was related to the regular wearing of cheap earrings. At the same time, 62% of 735 young schoolgirls were found to have dermatitis of their carlobes and all regularly wore cheap earrings. 9 clasps and clips commonly used in earrings released high quantities of nickel ions (between 49 and 103 μg/12 h), having been stored in synthetic sweat. A round piece cut from a clasp was taped U the skin of nickel-sensitive patients, previously tested with 20 μl of NiSO4 5%, 2.5%, 1% aq. solutions, giving a response similar to that caused by the 5% solution. High daily absorption of Ni ions through the skin follows its repetitive exposure la cheap earring, causing, firstly, a direct inflammatory reaction, then followed, in our opinion, by sensitization.