Analysis of human bone marrow with monoclonal antibodies.

In order to study the antigenic phenotype of different hemopoietic cells, we used a series of monoclonal antibodies to investigate normal bone marrow in a standard immunofluorescence assay. The antibodies detected the following antigens: HLA-ABC, beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m), HLA-DR (Ia), a lymphocyte subset and specific antigen (T and B) HuLy-m2, m3, T lymphocyte antigen (HuLy-m1), lymphocyte T200 antigen (HuLy-m4), a viral-associated antigen (HuLy-m5), and platelet-specific glycoproteins IIb-IIIa (HuPl-m1). The following results were obtained: (a) normoblasts were weakly HLA-ABC+, beta 2m+ and Ia-; all other lymphocyte and platelet antigens were not detected. (b) Myeloid cells at all stages of differentiation (promyelocytes, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, and neutrophils) were HLA-ABC+; beta 2m+; HuLy-m1-, m2-, m3+/- (20%), m4+, m5+/- (20%); HuPl-m1-; in addition, promyelocytes and myelocytes were Ia+ but neutrophils and metamyelocytes were Ia-. (c) Lymphocytes were HLA-ABC+, beta 2m+, Ia+/- (20-30%), HuLy-m1+/- (40-50%), m2+/- (60-70%), m3+, m4+, m5+; Pl-m1-. (d) Platelets and megakaryocytes were HLA-ABC+; beta 2m+; Ia-; HuLy-m1+-, m2-, m3-, m4-, m5-, HuPl-m1+, and the putative "megakaryocyte precursors" were HuPl-m1+, Ia-, HuLy-m1-. The different cell types in bone marrow could readily be distinguished, particularly cells of the myeloid series (Ia and HuLy-m4, m5), lymphocytes (Ia and HuLy-m1, m2, m3), and platelets and their precursor cells (HuPl-m1). This simple method of defining cellular phenotypes in bone marrow has demonstrated the practicality of using monoclonal antibodies to identify marrow cells and should be of diagnostic value.