Optical properties and electronic structure of ordered and disorderedCu3Au

We have carried out measurements of the reflectance spectrum from 1 to 13 eV on ordered and on disordered Cu3Au. Optical constants were computed via Kramers-Kronig analyses. In addition, we used a sensitive comparison technique to measure directly the reflectance difference between ordered and disordered alloys. This is the first time that such a modulation technique has been applied to the optical study of an order-disorder transformation. As a result, spectral detail is observed which is not apparent in other measurements. Bulk samples were utilized for our studies of ordered and of quench disordered Cu3Au. For the comparison technique, thin-film samples of ordered, disordered, and amorphous Cu3Au of varying stoichiometry were prepared. We have found that the second principal maximum in ε2 for ordered Cu3Au is located at 3.28 eV, in contrast to 3.6 eV in the earlier measurements of Nilsson and Norris. They believe that this peak arises from a new gap upon ordering whereas we attribute it to new transitions in the same region of k space. Electron transitions involved with various optical features of the ordered alloys are based principally upon folding considerations applied to the copper and gold band structures.